Friday, November 19, 2010

Tulsa Bail Bondsman Gives Advice On Our Career.

 Being a Bondsman in Tulsa or just about any location in America takes patience, a lot of homework, and personal relation skills. If you ever thought about opening a bail bonds business, kiss sleeping goodbye.  In our Industry, we rarely have normal working hours at all.  You have to remember that answering your phone is the only way to make money.  Clients will not wait until a bondsman wakes u to meet them at the jail.  Its basically 24 hour service so you have to be prepared at any moment to stop what they are doing to get people out of jail.  Some people hire other bondsmen or form a alliance so they can go out every now and the to have a somewhat normal life.  It is not as easy as it looks to run a business 24 hours a day.

It's easy to just bond people out of Jail some say.  It will save you a lot of hassle by taking 10 minutes and do some research on a defendant. Everyone will tell you just about anything, just to get outta jail.  Most people will I fact go to court. But you have a small percentage that just want out of  jail and never plan on going to court. Some Bondsmen want to make a quick dollar, so they just do as many bonds as possible without even thinking twice.  This is not really a good practice, if a defendant runs, you must then look for them.  Some times the bondsman will get lucky and find them, at times its tricky.  If such defendant is a couch surfer they can hide right in front of your nose. The you have too either look look for them your self or hire a Bounty Hunter, more on this on the next section. This is a gamble you have to take in this business.

If the defendant misses court and you have to look for them it's up to you to go alone or hire bail enforcement. Most people get caught, then some keep running, and just blend in with the masses. I have heard people say is it as easy as dog the bounty hunter.  My answer is No Dog Chapman, his wife Beth, and the rest of the crew are professionals that have done this for years.  They are prepared for this and do all the time.  I'm sure happy they showed up to Oklahoma to help us with the Bounty Hunter Law.  The Tulsa Bail Bond Industry and Oklahoma had a problem with bounty hunters and laws they were breaking to apprehend defendants. Bail Bondsmen have to really watch out because nowadays it can get them into legal problems in Oklahoma if they do not.

Just remember if you want a normal job a normal life bail bonds will not be for you.  Clients will not wait until you wake up in the morning to get there loved ones out you gotta be ready for anything, anytime, and anywhere. My advice is take 10 minutes to research your potential client. It might keep you from making the biggest mistake in your life. Remember this career can be rewarding and fun but if you are not ready to do this, then i suggest finding another career.  People have called me before about wanting to do this and i have taken them on a ride along in the past, needless to say they were not to interested in the end after all.  Thank you for reading my blog please leave comments, or to find out more look here.

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